Monday, November 30, 2009

I'm as damp as a cellar... a bad way. I'm craving some good ol' fashioned Vitamin D.
Lets look on at those bygone days spent on my patio, with a little bit too much wine, candlesticks, a turban, and an objective to look like the three fates.

"Arsenic is edible. Only once."

J. Morgan Puett's refrigerator looks divinely decadent. Now starts the time of year where I cannot stop eating, and will think of nothing but food. Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Charleston Chew

I simply could NOT leave Charleston without this mirror!

If only my bank account wasn't in the negative and it didn't belong to a historical society. Any volunteers looking to recreate this for me?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Chaste Charleston

Well, friends and lovers, I'm about to shower you with pictures from my trip to Charleston. The wedding was beautiful, probably the MOST beautiful, but I still have to develop those pictures, I won't bore you with 'thats Uncle Ethel and Aunt Norma' business. Your welcome.

Now step through this here gate and I'll show you 'round.
Based on a reproduction of the Baroque period the mirror seen here is....
just jokingMy headboard at the B&B.

With so little light, I'm surprised this picture came out. It shows the nicer slave quarters at an antebellum mansion.

I wanted to move into this library. The librarian was not very friendly and followed me around. I also was not allowed to take pictures of any books. She's the first thing to go when I move in.

They must have heard I was coming built this in my honor. See what the writing on the gate says?!


Whew! Tired yet? Ankles swollen? Fannypack need refillin'?
Well, I'll let you rest and fill you in on the rest tomorrow.
Now for homework, memorize 'Gone with the Wind' and write a paper on the benefits of a deep fried diet.

Monday, November 23, 2009


atelier de betty

Sorry for the posts being a little to short and not enough sweet lately. I think its because I caught a sinus infection from the broad on the plane who didn't shut up the whole flight up...AT SIX O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!!!!!!!! (I do not care about the "singles carriage ride" through historic Charleston, my eyes are puffy and bloodshot for a reason!!) and my body is recovering from the deep fried nonsense I decided to eat breakfast lunch and dinner. Anywho, I promise to be a bit more lively, maybe I'll even reenact my newly mastered Charleston!


I took this on our ski trip to Courmayeur. If you want to feel uglier than you do normally skiing, go to the Alps.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Black Apples

Yesterday, whilst walking through the field behind my house, looking for bittersweet, I stumbled upon an old apple tree. It was dead and fruitless, but on the ground were tons of massive, solid black apples. The apples were the most swarthy black and glistening. Immediately, I wondered if I had finally stepped into Narnia. I reached down to pick one up, but alas, it crumbled apart, being rotten to the core...and smelly!

It was a pretty surreal moment at first, and I'd love to see what a fool I looked like standing for a good five minutes just staring at the apples and gasping.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

La Tempesta

Paul Woodroffe

Thursday, November 19, 2009

In Britain, where the countryside was plagued by bee thefts...

...authorities planned to reintroduce, from New Zealand, the locally extinct shorthaired bumblebee.

Among other things on my future sprawling estate, Hibernian Hollow, I'd like to take up beekeeping. A 'beecharmer' like Idgy Threadgood.

The bottom image is the cover of my favorite childhood book, "The Book Without a Name."

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Noir A-Z

The Noir A-Z by Julian Hibbard

via Flavorwire

Percentage of unemployed Americans who take a nap each day: 39

Percentage of employed Americans who take a nap each day: 31

Lynn Yaeger by Deitmar Busse

Monday, November 16, 2009

Danny got ran over by a reindeer...

Just got back, don't. know. if. i can. muster energy....

I want to be Amy Sedaris' roommate/pet rabbit:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Voitko auttaa minua?

-translate: Can you help me?-

"Lapland Chic" from the New York Times Magazine
Raymond Meier

I'd give my firstborn to go to Lapland right now (not second born though). Reindeer, moss, sauna [pronounced SAOWna], lihapullat: what more could one ask for?

"Others have their homes to go to, to the comfort of their houses,

But my home is in the backwoods, my estate is on the heather,

As my hearth is in the wind, sauna steam is in the rain."

--From the Finnish national epic, the Kalevala

Sunday, November 8, 2009

At rest in the dark wood

Kay Nielsen-my favorite of all time

If you want to weep a thousand tears, buy East of the Sun West of the Moon, reprinted resplendantly by Calla. I bought it last winter, and it stills gives me goosebumps every time I glance at it.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Gardener


What will you have for your reward?


To be allowed to hold your little fists like tender lotus-buds and slip flower chains over your wrists; to tinge the soles of your feet with the red juice of ashoka petals and kiss away the speck of dust that may chance to linger there.


Your prayers are granted, my servant, you will be the gardener of my flower garden.

-Rabindranath Tagore

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Beverley Nichols

My Dear Beverley,

I wish you were with us today. That way, I could call you up, ask you why my lavender didn't bloom this year, gossip about the biddies around Merry Hall, and snicker/snort 'til you make me pee.

With the violence of my affections,


(Thank you A Bloomsbury Life and Little Augury for introducing us)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sette per Signore Peacock

Mr. Peacock, has nominated me to tell seven things you don't know about me.
Hmmhaww. Let me think:

1. When I was three and when I was five I broke my right femur (pushed off a slide, flipped off sofa onto moonstone fireplace).

2. My favorite meal is Moules Frites.

3. My father is a fisherman. Growing up, when times were tough, we'd have fish for dinner four or five times a week.

4. Ever since I was little, I have had a fascination with Yap, Micronesia and Bhutan. I'd like to go to both before I die.

5. I want to learn the fiddle.

6. I once worked at a coffee shop where I made lattes like this.

7. I wish I went to school to be a librarian, my childhood dream job. Money has less meaning the older you get.

Monday, November 2, 2009

"QUANDARY!!...whats quandary mean?"

I'm goin' to Charleston, for a wedding! Other than seersucker suits, flasks, straw hats, parasols, and green velvet gowns made from the curtains, I'm looking for a book to pack! I have some Flannery O'Connor on hold, but what suggestions do you have? Fiddledeedee!
