Last night was spent euphorically touring a true gem, the Providence Athenæum. 'Tis truly surreal to touch with your own fingers hand-signed copies of Witman's Leaves of Grass (one of the two). Or purusing through a book that Edgar Allan Poe took out when living in Providence. This library is simply a dream come true, straight out of your childhood imagination.
Thank you Christina for the tour and the invitation!

Images from Apartment Therapy
This is why you're on my RSS feed :-) Surreal indeed..
wonderful! i could spend years here.
Your blog is filled with so much beautiful elements.
Dreamy! Almost as glorious as the library in Beauty and the Beast (Disney version of course).
thanks for the flattery you first three!! and anzie, exactly what i was thinking of with "childhood imagination"...THERE MUST BE MORE THAN THIS PROVINCIAL LIFE!
What a lucky fella'!! I'm only three posts into your blog, and all ready I'm hooked.
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