Friday, September 3, 2010

Climb Every Mountain!

This weekend whisks me up north to climb mountains, swim in rivers, jump off cliffs, squeel like a schoolgirl, get yelled at until I make a perfect swan dive and probably watch a bunch of musicals.  I'm going on the yearly jaunt with my adoptive Slavic family!

This book looks like a grown up version of "the Stinky Cheese Man."  Am I right?  Am I revealing my youth?
Nevertheless, cannot wait to get it!

Found at Blood Milk


Micah Saccomanno said...

I need this book. I'm all about the plastic nature of fairy tales.

The Down East Dilettante said...

The Stinky Cheese Man? Sheesh, my youth was all about Charlotte's Web. What a difference a generation makes

Have fun in the mountains...

DM said...

Michus...i knew you'd love it!
Dilettante...I think Charlotte transcends all generations. Fern was my imaginary playfriend growing up and my 3 year old has nicknamed me Templeton.

DM said...

3 year old...NIECE! whew that was close!

Laurent said...

Well, Templeton it is, then!

I have never seen a dustjacket which made me more fearful for its penguin - and one has seen this dauntless bird standing up to some pretty menacing titles. This one has the antic-chic Little, Brown adopt for JS Foer, now that it stinks in a bit, and might contain a review of his "Eating Animals" ..?

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Have a wonderful weekend! The book looks fantastic. I will have to buy a copy for the title alone! xx